When you were a kid, your mom told you not to go along with a stranger. Naturally, I was told it as well in my childhood. But I'm sorry mom, I did it today.
I'm reeeeeeeeeeally not a girl who is tried to hit on by anyone. It never happens. I remember it happened just once when I was waiting for my friends at the station last year. A young guy around my age came up, started talking to me and tried to get my email address somehow. I didn't let him know, but it was a funny experience since he kept trying it for 30 minutes till my friend came back, lol. Anyways, I'm really unpopular about such a thing.
Today, I went to Asakusa to meet someone, and after that, went to Shibuya. The reason was because I found it cheaper if I go back to my station via Shibuya. Although I wasn't planning to drop in anywhere, when I got to Shibuya, I just felt like stopping over since I was bored and didn't have anything to do. I rarely go to Shibuya, and usually I'm not caught by anyone when I walk there. Today was an odd day tho. I was spoken to by a few people while walking. One of them was a middle aged guy who was searching for someone who works for him part time. And the other one was a hair stylist who wanted to cut my hair. And the last one was a guy who told me my looks is his taste. He asked me if it's ok to have a cup of tea with him!!! What a typical thing to ask!! I've thought that it's a line that only exists in comic books!!! I think I would have ignored it if I wasn't that bored. Why I told him having tea just for a while was ok was not because he was handsome (absolutely not!!), but I just felt like trying a new thing. Having a tea with someone who tried to hit on me was something new! But you know, it was ABSOLUTELY BORING!! Since he spoke to me, I thought he would talk. However, while we were sitting having coffee, mostly I was talking. When we were leaving, he told said "Let's go drinking next time" and asked for my email address but I didn't let him know. I just said "If we get a chance".
Thus, my first experience "having tea with a stranger who tried to hit on me on the street" is over. It just let me know that it's hard to meet someone that I can have fun with from the bottom of my heart from the first time meeting even more. I remember maybe one of the greatest ones happened long time ago, but now, it's gone. I don't know if I'm picky, but hope that I will be with some people that I can share great time with in my life :)
Wow that's an interesting experience. I'm sure u'll find that special someone someday. :)
You think so? :D
Haha, it would be fun if the guy were an interesting person tho. Can't be helped, lol.
"not a girl who is tried to hit on by anyone"...
hmmmm... try "not a girl who gets hit on by anyone."
Hahaha thank you for fixing :P 男心なんて良くわからない!わかっていたらもっとうまくやれていると思うよ、恋愛面で(笑)
I'm the guy your looking for...
Nice trip...
Hmmm, can't deny the possibility, lol.
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