April 16, 2011

How Will It Taste Like?

Don't you agree that things can be more interesting and fun if you add some humor as a spice in your life? Basically, I'm a kind of serious person...of course I like humor, but I think, I haven't adopted that element so much in the situation when I introduced myself to new people. I think it's because I didn't feel it comfortable when people misunderstand me and take my words different from what I meant. So I've tried to describe myself as the way as I really am. However, for some reason, now I feel like playing around with humors and being free from thinking seriously too much. I think it's my good thing to think about things seriously, but also know it can be a bad thing as well to be too serious anytime.

While reading a book the other day, I got a hint that may make things more interesting when I meet new people. I've started working for it already, and can't wait to try it and see if it really works :) It's just a play...very little play with humor. I expect someone to enjoy my little humor and will be happy to meet those people who share similar sense of humor.

Anyway, I haven't accomplished working for the plan yet. It has to be done as soon as possible due not to miss the first chance! So, we'll see if my intention will work...maybe near in the future? :P Now I am excited.


Jeff said...

okay, now you have me curious.. as long as it's not a sock pocket or pantomine.. anyway, flights to Japan are pretty cheap now ! ^^

Jeff said...

der.. puppet rather..

Justin said...

Being an American who lives in Japan, I used to also be apprehensive about people taking my words and what they convey out of context, especially if it was during an initial meeting. First impressions are lasting impressions, right? However, as I've spent more time in this country, I've gotten over it and have came to the realization that speaking less out of fear of being misunderstood won't rectify the situation at all. Rather, it will just make it worse simply because it is human nature for people to form their own opinions about someone when they have nothing else to base their persona upon. Essentially, I think it's better to be socially proactive if you want people to know the real you.

I concur with your opinion about humor making things more interesting. After all, humor is a "language" anyone can comprehend.

I've been reading your blog periodically over the past few months and always find it to be enjoyable and entertaining, albeit the fact that you and I have only exchanged words once or twice on MSN. I've contemplated creating an account on Blogger many times, but have never gotten around to bringing that idea to actual fruition. I'm still partial to Live Journal, unfortunately. :)

I look forward to reading your next entry. Eigo ga sugoku jouzu desune!


Megumi said...

Hey, Justin. Thank you for a long comment. I'm sorry that I can't reply to you with a comment as long as you wrote to me, but just want to let you know that I'm really glad to know that you enjoy my blog sometime and hope that you'll enjoy it in the future too :D