It has been a while since I did what I call serious play last time. I was going to do that last month, but unfortunately, I missed the chance. But finally...I did it today v(^_^)v I wore a pretty one-piece dress that I fell in love for the first sight, and brought another simple outfit as well. It's always fun to play around like that, but today, I had to collaborate with mean ladies (T_T) Actually, it was like a know, there were a lot of mosquitoes in the park and I was always surrounded by them but I had to smile! Itchy itchy itchy!! I wonder why only I got bumpy legs (they were really horrible) and he got just a few. It was really unfair!! I changed clothes after a while and wore jeans, however the vampires found somewhere to bite somehow...So, I had to fight with those itch all the time anyways. I was even bitten on my face and was like "PLEASE DO NOT MAKE MY FACE UGLY ANYMORE (T_T)" Being bitten on face was really horrible. I want him to photoshop the small bump I got on my face by a mosquito...seriously. But I still had fun in such tough situation being bullied by mosquitoes. I think I have to be tough to keep doing this!
Even it's a play for me, I always wonder if I do well. I have to try my best because I know people I work with are making efforts to create something great. And it's maybe the only thing I can do in return. I'm really happy to take a part of those works and I always get something positive from them.
Now, everything for today is done for me. What I have to do is just looking forward to getting the thing. I'm sure once I get them, and whenever I look at them, I'll remember about the ladies wearing black and white striped socks who I bullied me a lot today and will see my bumpy legs hidden below the pictures.
Please, no more collaboration with mosquitoes!!!
え、大事な遊び?何じゃそりゃ!!! (笑)
あれ松虫が 鳴いている
ちんちろ ちんちろ ちんちろりん
あれ鈴虫も 鳴き出した
りんりんりんりん りいんりん
秋の夜長を 鳴き通す
ああおもしろい 虫のこえ
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