Past few days were lazy days. Usually, I have to get up at 5 or 6 when I have work, but since I didn't have work, and also stayed up late, I woke up much later than usual. Luckily or unluckily, the weather was good so I didn't feel cold when I got out of my futon, but also couldn't stop feeling something like I missed precious few hours in such good weather days.
The warm sunshine coming through the window reminded me about a post that someone wrote on her blog. It was exactly what I felt and thought about before, kind a sweet and warm daily small memories that are out of reach.
On the new years eve, I had a last stroll of 2009. I went to a park, went through shopping streets, moved from a city to another city. It was nice day to hang out somewhere outside...actually, it was better if the wind wasn't so hard, but still it was alright. We had a break at Mcdonald's once and chatted, but maybe the total time we walked was for 3~4 hours. Well done! Lol. It was nice if the observation room of the city building was avalable when we got to Shinjuku, but unfortunately, it wasn't. We experienced a strange party(?) that the atmosphere and people were really weird, I don't think I want to meet it again, but as a first experience, it was ok. I don't know how to explain, but the air that was so uncomfortable to stay in :S Maybe I saw something in the world which exists in a place that is different from where I live, lol.
Now, it's 2010. As a proverb "一年の計は元旦にあり" says, I have to concentrate on making a plan for my coming trip :) At least, writing on this blog today, I believe I made a good start of my blog this year :P
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