May 3, 2009

Why Do I Learn English

Why do I want to learn English? There are some reasons. Simply, it sounds cool, lol. But there are other languages that sound cool as well. I feel French sounds cool too. Then why English? Maybe because it's the most usful language in the world, and I had a base of it, I mean, I learnt it at school in old days. Even though what I learned in the classroom was not useful, it makes me feel easier that I've learned something in the past.

Once I started talking to people from other countries, I got interested in things I can use English. I want to travel abroad, want to talk to people and make friends from other countries. I'd been interested in traveling since before, but didn't think of visiting abroad as much as now. I've made a few friends from abroad I feel like meeting again, and they are people I wouldn't have met if I didn't get interested in English! It's definitely making my world widen :D

However, making real friends is so hard. As same as yours, my good friends are people I spent time with a lot. Most of them are since I was a junior high school student. I need a process to trust someone, so can't be like that; get to know someone, hang around with a few times, now we are friends, la la la :S I want friends that I can enjoy with...especially same ager girlfriends to chat or go shopping etc.

Firstly, I don't see many foreigner girls in Japan (except asian girls), and even if I see someone, they look like tourists. I don't even get response from girls when I go on a web site, and write like "I'd like to have a friend from abroad to hang around with~", lol. What the hell? There is no foreign girls in Japan? lol. Or, just they don't want to become friends with me, who knows (T_T) But it's a funny thing I got some response from JAPANESE GUYS. I wonder why they emailed me since the website was for making foreign friends and I wrote I wanted friends from abroad, lol. I saw other people wrote stuff like "I'm not searching for Japanese friends here" as well. I don't know if there are a lot or just same people are doing that, but...wanted them to read the atmosphere...:P

Anyway, why do I want to learn Engish is...I can make my world widen and can feel easier when I go on a trip through the language :)


Tintin said...

I know 1/4 people can speak English and 1/4 people can speak Chinese in the world.

Jensen E (侍奄閃) said...

What language will you learn after you've mastered English? XD

PS: You're almost there!

Megumi said...

Yeah, Chinese population is huge :D

Not thinking about other languages now..

Tannenbaum said...

It takes a lot of effort to socialize over the net.
But, trough this blog, I think you already have more foreign friends than you think. ;)