March 15, 2009

Killing Time

Today is my Sunday shift at work. I have to stay here alone for a day...till next morning. We have to stay in the hospital at night and on holidays since we have something to do out of consultation hours. As a testing technician, about the scale of the hospital I'm working don't need a lot of testing technicians at those hours. So we stay alone in turn.

During the shift time like this, there tend to be two types of people; who call patients and being busy every time, and who usually don't have to do anything. Of course we're not trying to invite outpatients, it just depends on the number of available beds and which doctors are staying. So, it's kind a interesting thing that people always busy and always free exist.

As for me, I'm the previous type of person. I usually have to work in some degree. Since I'm always called sometimes until midnight, I don't go to the duty room (we can sleep there) upstairs till around 11 or so, and stay in the lab. I was really shocked when I heard one of my senior always goes to the room around 8 and watches TV. Sadly, I hadn't get such a chance since usually they call me when I am eating my meal upstairs. So, in such cases, I have to come back downstairs quickly, and have to take electrocardiograms or check blood or urine samples.

Although I'm always in such a situation, today was different. I really had nothing to do...only a few samples came in the day time. I heard that today was our hospital's shift day, so I thought patients would come in some degree. But the expectations was wrong in the end. I only tested blood samples for 2 people and one urine sample. I've been killing a lot of time today! I'm not sure if I'm wasting some part of the luck in my whole life, or it's just a gift for poor me that was so busy on the other day only few beds were available. Having a lot of time to do nothing is better than being so busy, but killing time in this much was really boring. I've been sitting in front of the computer in the lab and just playing around! I wonder if it's worth getting paid, but as I think about the day that I was awaken up every couple of hours at night, it's considered as a fair thing for me. Anyway, hope that that horrible night doesn't come again today.


Jeff said...

mm.. can't believe you were actually complaining about having a slow day.. they sound few and far between so just take them when you can.. i'm kinda in the same boat as you, never run out of work even on the slow days.. that and we'll always end up with the short end of the stick compared to senior management.. :P

Megumi said...

Eh just nothing is so boring. It makes me tired. It's better to work in some degree.