In Japan, turning color of leaves is called 'kouyou'. It is middle of December now, so, the kouyou season is ending and becoming more winter. Breath is white in the morning and in the night, and I'm wearing dawn jacket when I go out.
My English teacher from UK told me that she liked Japanese kouyou because it looks pretty. She told me that in UK, turning color of leaves are much more yellow there. On the other hand, in Japan, we have red color...yellow,, colorful. I like kouyou too. I like seasons of Japan. I'm glad that I was born in this small island country which has seasons. I like seeing kouyou very much. Though I live in Tokyo, where I live is a rural area and there are many mountains around here. I can see pretty kouyou of mountains...which look like patchwork from my house. There is a small mountain whose name is Mt. Takao close to my house. It is a little bit famous because it is on some guidebooks of Tokyo, and many Japanese and foreigners come to climb the mountain. The mountain isn't steep and I have been there many times because the distance is enough to walk from my house to the base of the mountain (however, it takes more than 30min or so). This fall, I wanted to go there to see kouyou, but didn't get the chance. Maybe next year :(
I prefer seeing natures rather than going stylish modern restaurants or shops...of course I'm curious to go to places like them too...however too shy at the same time, lol. Haven't been to places like them in my life, I have to gather my courage if I get a chance. Here is a little bit funny(?) story. When my sister and I went to Canada, we stayed in two hotels. One was a hotel in Niagara Falls, and the other was in Toronto. We chose hotels because of locations and the price. About the hotel in Niagara Falls, it was casual. The room was larger than we thought, but was normal. However, in Toronto, we were embarrassed because we thought that the hotel was too good for us. I was sure that the hotel wasn't very great hotel, however, was too good for rural girls, lol. And another story, when I went to an explanation meeting of a group of hospitals, that was run at a nice hotel in Shinjuku, me and my friend had feelings like feel sorry about ourselves because we just hadn't get used to such a great hotel. We wondered that if it was right that we were there when we got into the hotel. Maybe it will take for a long time until I get used to go such places...and also have to get a lot of chances :S
Anyway, I like kouyou. There was another place where we wanted to go when we were thinking of going to Canada and it was Vancouver. We wanted to see kouyou there because we heard that kouyou in Vancouver is very neat! However, it was too early to kouyou at that time and we chose Niagara Falls. But I hope that I can visit Vancouver in fall one day. In my guide book, there are a lot of places which seem fun in Canada :) And where I want to visit is not only in Canada of course but places in my own county too. Visiting places in Japan is much easier compared to going to Canada, isn't it?! So, I wanna visit some places in Japan when I have time :D
Ah...the topic have been changed again, hahaha. Anyway, I like kouyou in Japan and one of my favorite trees is Japanese maples. Their leaves turn into beautiful orange/red colors. Usually, turned color leaves look pretty from far place, however, you know...if we get close there, they're a little (much??? lol) dirty. But maple leaves don't look dirty. I'm sure that Japanese kouyou can not be talked without maple leaves.
It is me again, hope you dont get bored reading my comments HAA !
Maple leaves are beautiful, especially when they are in season and they start falling off the u still remember a picture you showed me ? it is taken in your school and it shows a road with many trees long the way. If i am not wrong, it was summer or spring or autumn ? HAA anyway i told you i liked that picture very much, its beautiful...
About modern places, like, high class hotels, restaurants, shopping malls etc. Dont u get to visit them often ? Well, for me, i personally like places with dimly lighted orange lights, it gives me a very good feeling, just cant describe it. If we happen to get the chance, i'll show you such places =D
遅いね おやすみなさい
Talk to you soon ^^,
mm.. think I'm gonna have to find an "i'm with 田舎娘 -->" t-shirt for when I finally get around to visiting Japan..
but anyways.. I think I would enjoy taking a break from the city and going back to a simpler, more back-to-nature spot for vacation.. relax at some 温泉 (I showed you the one I wanted to stay at right?), stroll through some gardens, or maybe even climb that mountain by your house, lol.. though camping might be a bit extreme..
but yeah.. you can't really appreciate nature living in as big a city as this.. not enough trees to really notice the change in the leaves and all.. that and I don't think a tree ever grows properly with all the pollution in a city like this.. plus dunno.. depends on the city, but city-life is probably more stressful and on edge than living in the burbs.. well least on the east-coast here I think..
I've also heard it really gets dark at night out in the country.. mind you it's never really dark here with all the streetlamps and all.. there's always that faint orange glow that haunts the night here from all those 'eco-friendly' fluorescant lamps.. but yeah.. I think living in the city might just help me appreciate nature that much more..
well.. long as I get my WiFi connection out there.. >.>
okay, done ranting..
Don't worry :P I don't feel your comments are boring howeve they are SO long, lol. I'm happy when I find someone wrote me comments :)
The picture you are talking about is ginkgos ne. We have a lot of ginkos in our school. They turns into yellow in fall. You like it? However, sadly, the leaves will have already falled down when you come to Japan :( Sucks you will miss some beautiful things ne :P
"I'm with 田舎娘" T-shirt?! Haven't heard of that!! Does it really exist?!?! lol.
Yeah, the 温泉旅館 you showed me was really nice. VERY GOOD Japanese-style hotel ne. I wanna stay at such a hotel too :( Maybe when I get a lot of money...or when I get a rich bf!? :D I really want to go to hotsprings now~. Especially the one outside :P Ah...I'm just curious but...aren't you shy to go to hotspring? One of my friend doesn't want to go to hotspring becaue he is too shy to take a bath with someone however I highly recommend it!!!
The four seasons in Nihon are indeed quite the spectacular sight. I must admit, even for a city dweller like myself, Kouyou (fall foliage) looks like a rather soothing time of the year. There's a popular Japanese saying - "Autumn is the time to enjoy sports, art, reading and food". I'm sure you're aware of this! However, I sure hope you had enough time to relax and recuperate from the long, hot, summer. Personally I would love to go to a place like Naruko and observe the sheer beauty of Nihon's autumn colours; it certainly would be a nice prelude to the cold, and dark winter that awaits.
That being said, living in the big city has its own negative connotations; for one, we're totally isolated from such natural wonders. Thus, when i visit Nihon I'll have to make sure I do a lot of sight seeing and spend some time in the great outdoors! I would have to agree with you. I would rather see a hybrid of nature as opposed to commercial buildings like shops and/or skyscrapers.
On a side a note, the hotel you and your sister stayed at was indeed quite fancy - one of Toronto's finest! Even though I was only outside the hotel for a brief minute, I too was a bit embarrassed! However, it was a fine choice for a hotel. I thought to myself - "she must be rich!".
On another random note, I checked out 初恋に捧ぐ歌 - Simon Isogai sure can sing well! I need to go get myself a copy of "Hatsukoi ni Sasagu Uta".
See you soon. =)
I'm glad that you like one of my favorite songs :) Nah, I told you...we are not rich! However, it is interesting to know that you were also embarrassed :D are like me ne. Prefer going out and see nature :) Maybe we can have fun date?! Don't you think? LOL
Sure! Let's go on a "nature date" then! But, let's not get lost ne. I can't imagine myself getting lost in a forest in Nihon. Kowai~ :P
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