I noticed that I haven't posted anything here for a while. This month has been passing so quickly because I have something almost every weekend. I think it's great because I don't get bored and enjoying my time. I feel that I've been under the influence of something happening around me these days...actually, they're not what happens around me directly, mostly just information someone lets me know, but it's so enough to make my small ambition grow up.
It's good enough to be self satisfaction though, lol.
I'm not gonna write definite things because I'm not sure yet, but yes I want to make my plan come true :) It might be just a little thing for people, but for me, it's something special. And I'm sure I can find myself changed through it if I realize it. Now, I'm planning :P I'm gonna do something I wanna do, and maybe it'll be unstoppable if I really desire it. I'm sorry I didn't write any clear thing this time...this post is so vague, lol. But I want to tell you one thing that I want to realize when I go through my small ambition.
為せば成る 為さねば成らぬ 何事も 成らぬは人の 為さぬなりけり
So, I have to start from "為すこと". Don't be afraid!