In connection with the last archive, I wrote about Written Oracles. They are called "おみくじ (omikuji)" and it is very popular to consult an oracle (in Japanese, it is called おみくじを引く") especially in the new year season. People go to a Shinto shrine or temple...especially Shinto shrine, and pray for good luck of the year. And they consult an oracle to know their fortune of the year. The best one is "大吉 (daikichi)", and we are glad if we get it, lol. After reading the small piece of paper, we tie it to the trees or some places there.
What is written on an omikuji is complicated because it is written in old style Japanese. However, it is not too difficult to understand. The picture is the omikuji that I got last year, and it is "大吉"!! lol.
On the top, there is a song...that is in "短歌 (tanka)" style. Tanka is a style of old Japanese songs. it consists of 5 parts with 5, 7, 5, 7, 7 sounds. About this omikuji, the tanka is,
渦を巻く 谷の小川の 丸木橋 渡る夕べの こゝちするかな
explanation: 初めは危ない谷の小川の橋を渡るような心配事があるが驚き迷うことはありません。後には何も彼も平和に収まります。凡て小さいことも用心してすればよろしい。
At first, you will have some uneasiness like going on the bridge above a small stream of a dangerous valley , however, you don't have to get surprised and worry. Later, everything will fall into place peacefully. It will be all right if you do things carefully however small they are.
And the main part is from here.
願望 できかねるように危険を覚えるが後調う
待人 さわりあり 来たらず
失物 出がたし 下にあり
旅行 吉日をえらべ
商売 買うのは損控えよ
学問 安心して勉学せよ
相場 売れ 大利益あり
争事 時を待たねば勝てず
恋愛 将来幸福になる
転居 さわがぬ方がよし
出産 産前を用心すれば安産
病気 信心すれば治る
縁談 他人の口舌に惑わされるな
Wishes: It looks that won't granted, however it will be all right later.
The person you wait for: You can feel, but won't come.
The things you lost: They are hard to find. It is in the bottom.
Traveling: Choose a lucky day.
Business: It will be a loss. Keep from buying.
Study: Study without anxiety.
The market price: Sell. It will bring you a big profit.
Arguments: You can't win if you don't wait for an opportunity.
Love: You will be happy in the future.
A move: Better not to be noisy.
A childbirth: You will have an easy delivery if you take care beforehand.
An illness: It will get well if you believe in it.
An offer of marriage: Don't be confused by others talking.
That's on the omikuji I got last year. I'm not sure how many things hit. And of course I don't believe in things like that seriously. However, consulting an oracle is fun for me, and maybe for many people too. It is one of cultural things of Japan. And I know, some temples have omikuji for Sensouji temple in Tokyo. The omikuji is written in English. Maybe it is because many foreigners visit there. Go there and try it if you find omikuji in Japan. It will be a topic for conversation at least :P